Size |
3.5g, 7g, 14g, 28g |
Super Thai Magic Mushrooms
$30.00 – $145.00
Super Thai Shroom Overview
Super Thai is a P. cubensis mushroom species. There are 3 popular magic mushroom species that originate from Thailand. Koh Samui, Ban Hua and Thannon. Super Thai is a hybrid of Ban Hua and Thannon.
Thai magic mushrooms are a well loved shroom that can offer life changing experiences. These little beauties are considered a potent cube.
Super Thai Experience
Thai magic mushrooms are revered for their creative, visual and uplifting energy. Beginners should stay under 1 gram to get a feel for the strain and then increase dose once you have a feel for the mushroom.
Micro Experience 0.1g- 0. 5g A micro-dose is a sub-perceptual amount of mushrooms.
The goal of microdosing isn’t actually to feel high but rather enhance your mood, improve cognition, focus and mindfulness whilst reducing those feelings of anxiety.
Taking Super Thai in micro dose will expand your mind, bit by bit, kaizen style. This strain promotes problem solving, improves motivation, increases flow states and puts you in a happy mood.
Mini Experience – 0.5g – 1.5g
At these doses the effects are mild and similar to weed, expect butterflies in your tummy, mild visuals and relaxation. At the higher end of dose expect a moderate body high, light hallucinations, improved creativity, euphoria and introspection.
Macro Experience 1.5g – 5g +
As far as potency goes, Super Thai is considered above average strength of ‘shroom. Please be aware of Set and Setting to maximize your trip.
At these doses you’ll feel a real psychedelic experience. Expect hallucinations, objects will sparkle, disorientation, increased energy, uncontrollable laughter and at higher doses, epic colours and visuals, strong body high, life changing introspection with mystical experiences to name but a few.
Trip length typically lasts 4 -6 hours
Super Thai Mushroom Dosage
Magic mushrooms have this ability to affect everyone differently.
If you are new to mushrooms be careful and err on the side of caution! Start Low, Go Slow!
As always, avoid mixing shrooms with other psychoactive substances like alcohol or marijuana.
*Micro: 0.25 gram
* Low: 0.25 – 1 gram
* Medium: 1 – 2 gram
* Strong: 2.5 – 5 gram
* Heavy: 5 gram and upwards
7 reviews for Super Thai Magic Mushrooms
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Thrasher PE Magic Mushrooms
Thrasher PE magic mushrooms emerge as a fresh and innovative variant, stemming from the Melmac Penis Envy lineage.
The origins of Thrasher PE can be traced back to a skilled mycologist’s experimentation with the Melmac PE strain. During their research, they cultivated a variant boasting a remarkable combination of desirable traits, giving birth to the Thrasher PE strain. Appearance-wise, these big, beautiful mushrooms feature thick, long, and substantial pale stems that display a blue bruising when picked, indicating a high psilocybin content. The caps are relatively small and exhibit a beige hue.
Thrasher PE mushrooms offer an intense and transformative psychedelic experience. For those seeking a deeper level of self-exploration or a more vivid sensory journey, this intriguing strain has become a popular choice in the world of magic mushrooms.
Due to their long and dense texture when dried, it’s essential to use a scale for accurate dosage measurement before consumption.
Start with a low dose and consume responsibly to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
Micro Experience 0.1g- 0. 4g A micro-dose is a sub-perceptual amount of mushrooms.
With a microdose of Thrasher PE magic mushrooms, individuals can expect tender, harmonizing effects. They may experience heightened focus, creativity, and vitality, combined with an elevated mood and a more optimistic outlook. These mushrooms are often used to mitigate stress and anxiety, providing relief from mental fatigue and burnout..
Mini Experience – 0.5g – 1g:
Embark on a gentle escapade with a low dose of Thrasher PE evocative of a cannabis reverie. Music becomes an immersive embrace, social interactions turn warm and alluring, and the mind softly releases. Anticipate understated visual and auditory enhancements that enrich the overall sensory experience.
Mild Dose 1g – 2g:
For a true psychedelic journey, this dosage ushers novices into a world of vivid visuals and iridescent surfaces, where patterns and fractals unfold. Depth perception shifts like a kaleidoscope, and time may oscillate, transforming an hour into a boundless expanse.
High dose 3g+:
Submerge into a vortex of formidable visions with Thrasher PE, as your awareness is engulfed by an eddy of forms, outlines, and chromaticity. Reality takes on a mercurial quality, as spectral entities emerge and time dissipates. This profound, potentially metamorphic experience is ideally suited for well-versed adventurers.
Mega dose 4g+:
With 4g of Thrasher magic mushrooms, one can expect vivid hallucinations, vibrant visions and altered realms. Time and space entwine as the ego gently dissipates, weaving a tapestry of transformative, enduring epiphanies.
Dosage – When consuming magic mushrooms, always be aware of dosage guidelines and start with a low dose to gauge your individual sensitivity to their effects. Keep in mind that the impact of magic mushrooms varies from person to person.
For this strain, the journey is best suited for those with prior psychedelic experience. Please consume with caution.
Enigma Magic Mushrooms
The Enigma Psilocybe Cubensis aka OMNI is a rare mutation of two potent strains of Cubensis, the Penis Envy X B plus Tidal Wave. This enigmatic mushroom does not sporulate, meaning its eternally stuck living across a single generation through clones. Visually the characteristics of this strain are also distinctive, with a blob like formation that likes similar to a cauliflower or brain, with thick dense kernels off mycelium and long thick shafts of mushrooms. This shroom is extraordinarily potent and considered the most potent of all psilocybin Cubensis strains. This strain recently won 1st and 2nd place in the Psilocybin Cup 2022 held in Oakland, California. Testing at 3.8 % tryptamine, to put that in context the average Cubensis has 0.7% tryptamine content. Making this almost 4 times as potent as a typical Cubensis.
Micro Experience 0.05g- 0. 1g A micro-dose is a sub-perceptual amount of mushrooms.
The goal of microdosing isn’t actually to feel high but rather enhance your mood, improve cognition, focus and mindfulness whilst reducing those feelings of anxiety.
Enigma is 2 to 4 times as strong as other P. Cubensis mushroom strains so keep this in mind as a little goes a long way. A micro dose of enigma can help provide a reduction in feelings of anxiety and depression while simultaneously providing feelings of relaxation, happiness and improved energy.
Mini Experience – 0.3g – 0.5g
At these doses the effects are mild and similar to weed, expect butterflies in your tummy, mild visuals and relaxation. At the higher end of dose expect a moderate body high, light hallucinations, improved creativity and energy, euphoria and introspection.
Macro Experience 0.5g – 5g + Experience is dose dependent.
This is a seriously strong mushroom and when doing a macro dose it is highly recommended that you have a sober trip sitter by your side. This will greatly aid in putting ones mind at ease and provide support if and when you need it.
Milder doses 0.5g – 1g – Expect epic colourful visuals, intense feelings of euphoria, laughter and joy with deep introspective.
High dose 1g – 3g + – Expect a trans-formative experience, astral projections, vivid visual hallucinations, profound philosophical and introspective contemplation, strong body high.
Mega dose 4g + Buckle up say goodbye to your ego. This dosage combined with this strain is considered very similar in experience to that of a DMT or ahuyusca. Users can expect Mystical experience with intense feelings of love, unity and connection with the universe.
Magic mushrooms have this ability to affect everyone differently.
We do not recommend this strain for beginners, experienced psychonauts only! Consume with caution
As always, be careful mixing these shrooms with other psychoactive substances like alcohol or marijuana.
*Micro: 0.25 gram * Low: 0.25 – 0.5 gram * Medium: 0.5g – 2 gram * Strong: 2.5 – 4 gram * Heavy: 4 gram and upwards
Blue Meanies Magic Mushrooms
The Blue Meanie strain is thought to have originated in Southeastern Australia from the Psilocybe cubensis species. It gets its name from blue bruising which occurs wherever the body is impacted. Its visual characteristics include medium/large fruiting bodies with thick, dense stalks and a golden caramel to tan, often white speckled cap. Blue Meanie is also a common name for Panneolus cyanscens (a different mushroom species).
Three Amigo’s mushroom is of the P. Cubensis type and is not to be mistaken. This is our most potent psilocybin mushroom. We do not advise taking this strain of mushroom if it is your first time using psilocybin. Blue Meanie has higher potency then other P. cubensis strains.Experience
The overall experience associated with Blue Meanies lasts 4-8 hours, with normal peaking frequency. They are intensely euphoric with a psychoactive high. Users report high feelings of euphoria, intense auditory and visual hallucinations as well as a heavy body buzz.Blue Meanies Dosage Guide
* Micro: 0.25 gram * Low: 0.25 – 1 gram * Medium: 1 – 2 gram * Strong: 2.5 – 5 gram * Heavy: 5 gram and upwardsDaddy Long Legs Magic Mushrooms
Daddy Long Legs is a Psilocybin Cubensis strain. This shroom draws its curious name from the long, thin stalks which are reminiscent of the thin legs of the daddy long legs spider. This strain is indigenous to the Fraser Valley in British Columbia. Effects The Daddy Long Legs provide a fairly classical ‘shroom experience with many trippers reporting its similarities to Golden Teachers. Like most Cubensis strains, expect strong visuals with intense colours combined with a good balance of spiritual feelings and euphoria. This quirky strain gives us the giggles and at smaller doses lends itself well to socialising with friends. Daddy Long Legs Dosage Info Daddy long legs are not the most intense species we offer, but please treat all Cubensis strains with respect. If you are new to mushrooms be careful and err on the side of caution! As always, be careful mixing these shrooms with other psychoactive substances like alcohol or marijuana. *Micro: 0.25 gram * Low: 0.25 – 1 gram * Medium: 1 – 2 gram * Strong: 2.5 – 5 gram * Heavy: 5 gram and upwardsAlbino Amazonian Magic Mushrooms
Albino Amazonian Strain Overview
Albino Amazonian is a special psilocybin cubensis mushroom strain. Amazonian is an OG classic magic mushroom strain and long-time favourite of ‘shroom lovers. This intelligent fungus traces its ancient roots back to the Amazonian rain forest. Albino mushrooms are highly revered in the ‘shroom space, this is because they are rare and hard to grow. Albino strains are a genetic mutation which results in a highly sought after mushroom. There are 2 types of albino strains, true albinos and also false albinos. True albinos have little or no pigmentation while false albinos are light coloured strains that maintain pigment in their spores or in certain areas on the mushroom like the stem or cap. This Albino Amazonian strain is considered to be a true albino. We Amigos think albinos are cool af. However there is no evidence to believe that albino mushrooms are more potent than other non albino strains. We really like this ‘shroom because it’s a great all rounder. At low doses it makes for great conversations and appreciation of others’ company, while increasing the dosage provides strong visuals, euphoria and significant spiritual experiences. A higher dosage typically results in mystical experiences. Micro Experience 0.1g- 0. 5g A micro-dose is a sub-perceptual amount of mushrooms. The goal of microdosing isn’t actually to feel high but rather enhance your mood, improve cognition, focus and mindfulness whilst reducing those pesky feelings of anxiety. A microdose of Albino Amazonian will likely improve mood, make you feel more emotionally stable, whilst providing mental clarity. Users also typically state Improved productivity, creativity and easier access to meditative states of mind. Mini Experience – 0.5g – 1g At these doses the effects are mild and similar to weed, expect butterflies in your tummy, mild visuals and relaxation. At the higher end of dose expect a moderate body high, light hallucinations, improved; creativity, conversation, euphoria and introspection. Macro Experience 1g – 5g + Experience is dose dependent. Experienced shroomers have praised this versatile cubensis as a great strain for all situations and occasions. Although, it’s best to be cautious and go slow until you have an idea how they affect your mind and body. This strain is considered more potent compared with others like Golden teachers. At mild doses 1g – 3g Albino Amazonian are known for providing a more cerebral experience, colourful visuals, feelings of high energy and spiritual connection. At higher doses (4g+) and a good set & setting protocol then you better back your bags, as it reliably provides mystical experiences. Trip length typically lasts 4 -6 hours Albino Amazonian Strain Dosage Info Magic mushrooms have this ability to affect everyone differently. Consume with caution As always, be careful mixing these shrooms with other psychoactive substances like alcohol or marijuana. *Micro: 0.25 gram * Low: 0.25 – 1 gram * Medium: 1 – 2 gram * Strong: 2.5 – 4 gram * Heavy: 4 gram and upwardsTidal Wave Magic Mushrooms
Introducing Tidal Wave Magic Mushrooms, a novel Psilocybe Cubensis strain developed in 2020 by mycologist Doma and the infamous Magic Myco Team. This innovative strain, a cross between the popular B+ and Penis Envy varieties are renowned for their remarkable array of captivating effects. Owing to their exceptional genetics, these potent mushrooms promise a profound experience for both novices and seasoned psychonauts. Approach these mighty fungi with caution and prepare for a transformative journey.
Micro Experience 0.1g- 0. 4g A micro-dose is a sub-perceptual amount of mushrooms.
With a microdose of Tidal Wave magic mushrooms, individuals can anticipate gentle, soothing effects. They may notice enhanced concentration, imagination, and vigor, coupled with an uplifted mood and a more positive life perspective. These mushrooms are frequently employed to alleviate stress and anxiety, offering respite from mental weariness and burnout.
Mini Experience – 0.5g – 1g:
Dive into a gentle current with a low dose of Tidal Wave mushrooms, reminiscent of a cannabis high. Music envelops you, social encounters become warm and inviting, and the mind gently lets go. Expect subtle visual and auditory enhancements that enrich the overall sensory experience.
Mild Dose 1g – 2g:
For a genuine psychedelic voyage, this dosage ushers beginners into a realm of vivid visuals and shimmering surfaces, where patterns and fractals emerge. Depth perception shifts like the tide, and time may ebb and flow, turning an hour into an eternity.
High dose 3g+:
Immerse yourself in a maelstrom of powerful hallucinations, as your consciousness is flooded by a whirlpool of shapes, contours, and colors. Reality becomes fluid, with phantom objects surfacing and time dissolving. This intense, potentially transformative experience is best suited for seasoned explorers.
Mega dose 4g+:
Brace yourself for a tidal wave of disconnection from reality, marked by extreme hallucinations and distortions of space and time. Familiar perceptions vanish beneath the depths, leading to profound introspection and loss of identity. The deep, indescribable emotional and personal experiences during this odyssey may leave an indelible mark.
Dosage – When consuming magic mushrooms, always be aware of dosage guidelines and start with a low dose to gauge your individual sensitivity to their effects. Keep in mind that the impact of magic mushrooms varies from person to person.
For this strain, the journey is best suited for those with prior psychedelic experience. Please consume with caution.
Cambodian Magic Magic Mushrooms
Trinity Magic Mushrooms
Trinity magic mushroom is a Psilocybin Cubensis trifecta of Penis Envy, Aztec God and Tidal Wave, (itself a hybrid of B+ and Penis Envy).
The Trinity mushroom is a mixture of three incredibly potent species, each species of mushroom has its own unique effect, but together they offer a fantastic, full-spectrum cerebral experience that’s truly unforgettable. Within the magical mycology community Trinity is considered one of the most potent cubes ever created and is widely known as the ‘’The Goat’’ strain.
The effects of the Trinity shrooms are incredibly diverse, be prepared for intense and vivid visuals, drastic colour changes, and amplified spiritual experiences.
The Trinity Magic Mushroom strain should be used with caution as its potency is high. Experienced users should plan for their trip carefully, this mushroom is not suitable for those who are new to the psychedelic experience.
Micro Experience 0.1g- 0. 4g A micro-dose is a sub-perceptual amount of mushrooms.
A person can expect the effects of a microdose of Trinity magic mushroom to be subtle and calming. They may experience increased focus, creativity, and energy, as well as improved mood and outlook on life. It is often used to help with stress and anxiety, and may provide relief from mental exhaustion and fatigue.
Mini Experience – 0.5g – 1g
At these doses the effects are mild and similar to weed. Users may experience; a shift in cognition and thinking styles, relaxation and mild visuals, At the higher end of dose you may experience light hallucinations, improved creativity and energy.
Macro Experience 1g – 5g +
This is a seriously strong psychoactive mushroom and when doing a macro dose it is highly recommended that you have a sober trip sitter by your side. This will greatly aid in putting one’s mind at ease and provide support if and when you need it.
Mild Dose 1g – 2g Colours becoming brighter and a light to moderate body high. Possible altered sense of time and a change in cognitive capacity. Visual and auditory hallucinations may also occur, also expect a greater appreciation of art and music.
High dose 3g + Typically you may experience a feeling of being at one with the universe, and a heightened sense of spirituality. Other common experiences include increased feelings of love and empathy, altered sense of time, strong emotional reactions, and an altered sense of reality. For some people, the experience can be quite intense, while others report feeling relaxed and at peace.
Mega dose 4g + Buckle up and say goodbye to your ego. This dosage combined with this strain is considered very similar in experience to that of DMT or ayahuasca. This can be an intense and overwhelming journey of self-exploration, during which a person may experience intense euphoria and emotion, feelings of connection to their environment and a sense of unity with all living things. Visions and often spiritual-like experiences are not uncommon. People often find themselves learning valuable lessons, insights, and life-changing realizations. It can be an intense and sometimes overwhelming experience, which is why proper preparation and setting are of the utmost importance.
Dosage – Be mindful of the dosage guidelines when it comes to consuming magic mushrooms and always start with a low dose to assess your sensitivity to their effects
Magic mushrooms have this ability to affect everyone differently.
We do not recommend this strain for beginners, experienced psychonauts only! Consume with caution
As always, be careful mixing these shrooms with other psychoactive substances like alcohol or marijuana.
*Micro: 0.25 gram * Low: 0.25 – 1 gram * Medium: 1 – 2 gram * Strong: 2.5 – 4 gram * Heavy: 4 gram and upwards
*The information on this web site has not been evaluated by the Canadian Dept. of Health and Welfare or by the US FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or replace medical attention. Please consult your practitioner, physician or herbal specialist before using any products you purchase.
We are not an allergen-free facility.
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